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Category: Uncategorized

Don’t Be A Fred

Date : December 17, 2016 - Published by : Brian Wright Category : Uncategorized

I have a neighbor I’ll call “Fred” (not his real name). I met Fred almost 2 years ago, when I moved in to my present location. He’s retired, age 65, and spends his days (and nights) in his “mancave”. He has his computer and TV there, and sleeps on the sofa in that room. He […]

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Getting Healthy is Easier Than You Think!

Date : December 9, 2016 - Published by : Brian Wright Category : Uncategorized

One of the common themes that I run across when I talk to people about nutrition and fitness is that it’s too hard. Now, in a way, I can’t blame them. They have this picture in their mind of running or going to the gym for two hours a day. They also have a picture […]

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There’s A Great Life Ahead of You If…

Date : December 2, 2016 - Published by : Brian Wright Category : Uncategorized

There’s A Great Life Ahead for You If… …if you make the decision right now to use the information in, and in my newsletters, to create an optimal life. I’ll provide you with all of the tools; you just have to use them. When I first had the idea for this Website, I figured […]

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