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Hi. My name is Brian Wright, and I’m the creator of MiddleAge.Org. I’ve been studying ways to be happy and healthy for more than a half-century. For over 10 years, as the editor of Resource Publications, more than a half-million readers looked to me for advice on being happy and healthy. Since 1998, the Website at MiddleAge.Org has been bringing people better ways to be happy, and in 2016, when I was age 72, I did a massive site update so I could share my accumulated knowledge, as well as the very-latest ways to be healthy & happy.

What I learned in doing that update is that it takes more than a workout and a protein drink to be happy and healthy. And so my 13-step program evolved.

Here’s an overview of that program.

● 1) Finding Motivation – There’s no point in learning all of my great ways to be happy and healthy if you aren’t motivated to utilize them.  Discover the many ways you can motivate yourself to make your life awesome!


● 2) Unlimiting Beliefs: Clear out the limiting and negative beliefs that hold you back, and replace them with the belief that you can have a great life in middle age and beyond.


● 3) Creating Happiness: Learn that happiness is not just experienced by chance, but that it’s a state that you can learn to create and maintain.


● 4) Achieving Goals: Once you’ve cleared out your negative beliefs, and know how to be happy, set some goals to achieve the kind of life you really would like to live.


● 5) Morning Rituals: Start your day the right way by putting into action the things you’ve learned in the previous steps to experience happiness & move towards your goals every day.


● 6) Natural Healing: Improve or eliminate problems that detract from your health and happiness by using methods that utilize substances from nature, as well as your body’s own healing ability.


● 7) Good Nutrition: Learn about the best nutrition and how to eat in a way that contributes to you having a healthy and energetic life.


● 8) Physical Fitness: It’s a lot easier to get in shape and stay in shape than you think. Start at a comfortable level and build up from there. I’ll show you how.


● 9) Effective Weightloss: Losing that extra weight is simpler than you might believe when you follow the easy ways that I’ll tell you about.


● 10) Financial Abundance: Increasing your income is well within your reach by utilizing 21st century methods. Start now so you’ll not only have income for the present, but also for those “Golden Years”. Nothing’s worse than being old and poor (except being old, poor and sick – I’ll help you there too).


● 11) Satisfying Relationships: Don’t leave the creation of fulfilling relationships to chance. Let me provide you with the skills you need to have the relationships you want in life, with your significant other, family, friends and co-workers too.


● 12) Mental Fitness: Getting older does not have to mean losing your mental abilities. Through utilizing proven methods, you can have a good mind and clear thinking even in your senior years.


● 13) Personal Growth: Once you’ve achieved some balance and happiness in your life, it’s time to push the envelope and expand your beliefs to allow for greater happiness than you have even imagined.

By utilizing my 13-step program, you can really make a big change in your life, for now and for the future.

But there’s another part to “Make the rest of your life the BEST of your life”…the newsletters.

You see, if I put all of the information I have into the Website, it would have hundreds of pages, and likely nobody would ever read it all. In addition, I am always scanning the Internet looking for the very-latest science-backed information on how to be happy and healthy. So if you haven’t yet signed up for my newsletter, just go to the top of this page and click on Newsletter.

So please explore the sections of the Website, read the newsletters and make your life wonderful!

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