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If you’re middle-aged, and finding it harder to maintain your health and energy levels…

Here’s your opportunity to experience my unique 13-step program that will help you
live a happier, healthier and more abundant life into your 60’s, 70’s, and beyond!

Here I am in the prime of
my life, 72 years young!

My name is Brian Wright, and for more than a half-century, I’ve studied and taught what it takes to live a happier, healthier and more-abundant life.

When I was the editor of Resource Publications, I shared my knowledge with over a half-million readers. For more than 10 years, they relied on me to bring them the very-best information available to maintain their health and energy into middle age and beyond, and I never let them down.

Since 1998, the Website at has been bringing people better ways to be happy. In 2016, I updated it so I could share my knowledge, as well as the very-latest ways to be healthy & happy. The cost to access all of my knowledge? Nothing. I just want you to have a great life!

Don’t miss this chance to have a happy and healthy life; explore this site right now by clicking on the red text below. But, before you go exploring, sign up for my free newsletter by clicking here. You’ll get my very latest tips for happiness and health delivered right to your inbox. I promise I’ll never reveal your information to anyone else.

If you have any suggestions, comments, feedback or complaints, please contact me by clicking on the Contact link at the top of all of the pages. I really want to hear from you. I created this site for you, and so I want to know what you’d like to see here.


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