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15 IM Questions Answered

“Get The 15 Answers to Powerful and Outrageous Marketing Online!”


Here’s just a small taster of what you’ll discover inside…

  • 4 proven ways to market online that you should already be doing
  • Top answers to frequently asked questions in order of importance
  • The 5 big secrets of getting traffic and why their critical
  • Why traffic in itself isn’t everything and the most overlooked and easy traffic builder
  • Key to building a responsive email list of buyers
  • What you must never do in the sales process or you immediately will slice your income in half
  • Ways to boost your income high through email without your own product
  • The secrets of multiple products to grow your list and an easy system
  • The truth behind why your previous attempts didn’t work out with marketing online and what really works
  • A simple technique for getting an army of affiliates to promote your products and services and triple your income fast
  • plus so much more!


10 Ways to Write More Effective Ads

In this ebook, the following topics will be covered;

  • Focus on Them, Not You
  • Emphasize Benefits, Not Features
  • Push Their Emotional Hot Buttons
  • Incorporating Proof and Believability
  • The Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
  • The Headline
  • The More You Tell, The More You Sell
  • Write To Be Scanned
  • The Structure of AIDAS
  • Use Takeaway Selling to Increase the Urgency

7 Days To Easy-Money: Get Paid To Write A Book


Would you like to GET PAID to write a book?

If you’re thinking this is plain fantasy, think again. All professional writers get paid to write their books.

How? They sell their books via proposals before they write the books.

What’s a book proposal?

A book proposal is a document which convinces a publisher to buy your book before you’ve written it. Your proposal says, in effect: “Hey, I’ve got a great idea for a book which lots of people will want to buy. Do you want to publish it?”

Think of it as a combination brochure and outline of your proposed book.

You CAN sell your book the easy way — sell a proposal
It’s easily possible to make a fast $10,000, or even a six figure amount. You could even make seven figures — over a million dollars for twenty pages of text.

It sounds incredible, but a fast seven figures is certainly possible if you have a HOT, hot idea or have had an experience that hundreds of thousands of people want to read about.

In his 2001 book about writing nonfiction, Damn! Why Didn’t I Write That?, author Marc McCutcheon says that it’s not hard to make a good income writing nonfiction: “you can learn the trade and begin making a respectable income much faster than most people think possible”.

Do you need experience to sell a book on proposal?

No! You just need a good proposal. 🙂

7 Days To Easy-Money: Get Paid To Write A Book by Angela Booth shows you how to go from idea to completed book proposal in seven short days.

Imagine — in seven days, you could be sending your proposal to agents and editors!

The ebook includes everything you need to know. Just follow the easy steps. It even includes a sample proposal, which got a contract from an agent immediately it was sent out.

You can do it too!

Here’s what you’ll discover in 7 Days To Easy-Money: Get Paid To Write A Book by Angela Booth:

Day One: What’s a book proposal? Develop an idea for your book
Exactly what a book proposal is, and an EASY way for you to come up with more saleable ideas for books than you could write in a dozen lifetimes.

Day Two: Develop your idea and assess the market

Here’s an excerpt from Day Two:

Dispelling myths and a word about confidence
If you’re feeling nervous now that you’re about to start this project, relax. Tell yourself that you will take it step by step. All you need to do is work at it steadily, a word, sentence and paragraph at a time, and you will complete your proposal, and then when you’ve sold the proposal, you’ll complete your book using the same easy-does-it method.

While we’re at it, let’s dispel a few myths.

Myth One

It takes a special talent to write books.
It takes persistence. There are as many different kinds of writers as there are people. Some are young, some are elderly, many are in-between. You don’t need any special writing talent to write books, nor do you need to be highly educated. Many successful writers have never completed high school. If you can write well enough to write a letter, you can write a book.

Myth Two

Writers starve in garrets.
Many professional writers make incomes that would make doctors and lawyers envious. Most make reasonable incomes. If you decide to make a career of writing nonfiction books, the major benefit is that if you choose your book’s topic with care, your book can stay in print for many years. For each year that your book’s in print, you get two royalty checks. Let’s say that you write two books a year for five years. At the end of the five years, if your books all stay in print, you’ll be getting ten royalty checks a year. These ongoing royalties are your nest-egg, profitable investments in your future.

Day Three: Write the blurb and outline your book

The “blurb” is the back cover material for your book — the selling points which will get people to buy the book. If you write the blurb before you write an outline, you’re guaranteed not to wander off the track as you write your book.

Writing the blurb will keep you on-track as you write your proposal and your book. I’ve included two sample blurbs from my published books to show you how to write a selling blurb.

Day Four: Research your book proposal, and flesh out your book’s outline

The fast and easy way to research your proposal – you may not need to do any research at all. You may already know all you need to know.

Day Five: Write your proposal query letter, and submit it to agents and publishers

How to write a SELLING query letter, with sample letters which have SOLD books.

Day Six: Write the proposal

The fast and easy way to write your proposal — everything you need to include to make sure that your proposal SELLS.

Day Seven: Write the sample chapter. Revise your proposal

Seven days, and you’re done! How to write the professional way, and a step by step easy way to revise.

7 Days To Easy-Money: Get Paid To Write A Book also includes a complete, selling proposal, which got a contract from the first agent who saw it.

Have you always want to write a book and be a published author?

7 Days To Easy-Money: Get Paid To Write A Book gives you a complete method. The ebook shows you EXACTLY HOW to write and SELL.

You can be a published author much faster than you imagine.

Can I show you how to write a book proposal that sells?

Yes! I’ve sold many fiction and nonfiction books, all on proposal. 7 Days To Easy-Money: Get Paid To Write A Book includes sample proposals which have SOLD.

I show you exactly what to do, and explain the methods I use to write and sell.

If you’ve ever thought “I could write a book” — you can!

Can I guarantee that you’ll sell your proposal?

I can’t guarantee it , but I’ll make it several thousand times more likely that you’ll sell. You’ll learn what a professional, selling proposal looks like, and will learn how to write a professional, saleable proposal.

Publishers receive hundreds of proposals each week. As any book editor or agent will tell you, 99% have no chance of selling ever — they’re amateurish.

Working with 7 Days To Easy-Money: Get Paid To Write A Book will ensure that your proposal makes it into the 1% of saleable proposals.

$100 A Day Video Course

Sorry, guys…no slick sales page for this one.

This is a course that has 100 minutes of step-by-step instructions to have the potential to make $100 a day, although not right away, of course.

Like all of our items, this has a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, so if you don’t think it’s helpful, just ask for a refund.


If you’re setting out to create awesome new web videos – but you don’t know where to start – this is the best “introductory” book you can get your hands on.

Here’s what it covers…

  • The keys to making an exciting, compelling video that people want to watch…
  • How to make a web video that boosts sales conversions on websites
  • How to use video to solve a high “bounce rate”…
  • How video can overcome boring copy…
  • How to develop amazing concepts – even when you’re out of ideas…
  • How to decide what style of video you want to create…
  • And much more!

Bottom line? ALL the web video skills and knowledge you NEED is in this new ebook…

Secrets of Successful Videos That Boost Business and Attract Massive Public Attention and Exposure!

Here’s a list of all the subjects this book tackles…

  • The Equipment and Hardware You’ll Need
  • How to “Improvise” and Do Video Production Without Hardware
  • Software – Specialist programs that are worth the money
  • Planning and Pre-Production – the key to smooth studio time
  • Deciding on Your Type of Video – creative choices, physical limits, etc.
  • Storyboarding – Know ahead of time what the video will look like
  • Creating a Script – Training your ear to listen and talk, not read and write
  • Filming and Production – “Inside” secrets for getting everything right
  • How to Read Professionally From a Script – Follow these tips for best results
  • Some Tips for Using a Camera – It’s not just “point and shoot”
  • Creating Your Set – Everything inside the frame is what matters
  • Editing – The final product is what people see… nothing else
  • How to Use Editing Software – Step-by-step guides and shortcuts, too!
  • Openers, Music, Logos, Titles and Lower Thirds – Details, details, it’s all about the details…

You see, with video, there’s no room for “sloppiness” – because the camera doesn’t lie… nor does what makes it to the screen.

It has to be perfect. After all, the video your audience sees is what “represents” you and gives people either a good impression… or one that’s not-so-good.

And now, you can LEARN ALL THE SKILLS for producing high-quality videos that aren’t obnoxiously expensive.

We show you how to tell a STORY – with the pictures, with the narrative, and with the soundtrack, all combined into one.

This is not a skill that the average person possesses. It takes years of training to understand the proper way to mix all three elements together.

But the “secrets” are revealed in this book.

You’ll know what your video really needs to look like and sound like a PROFESSIONAL video that will make a lasting POSITIVE impression on your audience.

(How to Research the Moneymaking Capabilities of a Niche)


A Step-by-step Approach to Finding the Best Niches in which to Market a Product or Service

When selling a product, a lot of people make the mistake of developing their product first, and then trying to find a market for it. Of course, the process should be reversed.

Find a market first that spends money, then find out what they want and give it to them.

It is certainly easier said than done, but there are a lot of places online where you can do your market research for free. They’ve done most of the work for you already. You just need to know where to go and what to do to connect all the dots.

Let me show you the process I go through when I’m trying to brainstorm for ideas.


“Get Your Business Or Website Known To People Across The Globe? Attract More Customers To Your Website. Enhance The Awareness Of Your Brand And Make It A Household Name. Make The Most Of The Internet Platform And Take Maximum Advantage Of The Latest Web Technologies”

Get ahead of the race by leveraging the power of the Internet to expand your business and grow your reputation.

Did you know that there were more than 2 billion Internet users by the end of 2010? Many of these people could be actively looking for the products and services you offer. The potential is HUGE, but what about the competition? You can type any word or phrase in the search box and Google’s will throw up millions of links in a matter of seconds. Will your target audience go through all of them? Definitely NOT! In fact, less than 20% of searchers bother going to even the second page of the search results. The only way your online business or website is going to get noticed is if you are on the FIRST page. The only thing that can help you achieve this is search engine optimization, or SEO.

Get People To Find You Easily, Attract Traffic and Become Famous

You can set up a simple website for less than $700. But how do you get people to know that your business exists? Of course, your current customers can be informed about your site. But wouldn’t you like to grow your customer base? What if there was a way to make your business stand out and not go unnoticed? What if this way was the most cost effective marketing strategy? STOP firing in the dark. It’s time you adopted a focused and powerful strategy for your website.

  • Get to know about the single, most powerful marketing tool that you can implement with ease

  • Learn the no risk way to become world famous

  • Let the professionals teach you how to increase relevant traffic to your website

  • Avoid the mistakes that are most commonly made and protect your business from being categorized as spam by search engines

  • Learn about the most cost effective way of getting ahead of competition

  • You invest once and reap the benefits for years to come

  • Improve your page ranking, boost your sales and increase your profits

  • Let people who are actively looking for your product find you easily

  • Learn how to attract the right traffic and analyze their behavior to convert more and more visitors into buyers

  • Give the visitors to your website the best user experience and keep them coming back

  • Get a deeper insight into the workings of search engines

  • Make your website a benchmark for user experience and conversion

  • Position your business for long term success


It’s Time You Read Understanding SEO

The competitive landscape changes continuously. Here is a way to understand the landscape, gain a stronger foothold and run faster than your competitors.

You needn’t be technically sound to understand how your website can appease search engines.

Sharpen your axe TODAY.

Harness the power of search engine optimization and enjoy high rewards.

Improve your brand awareness, expand your market and boost your sales.

21-page eBook

In Easy Online Promotions for busy online entrepreneurs, you will learn valuable information that introduces you to various online promotion methods that you can implement right away to get more exposure and customers for your business. In this book, we are going to go over a few of the basic methods of online promotion so that you can become familiar with them.

If you are an entrepreneur or have a small business that you are actively trying to promote, then there is no doubt that you will be able to capitalize on the many different forms of online advertising available. These methods include search engine optimization, pay per click advertising, online newsletters, and website advertising.


Dedicated Email Drops

“What the heck is a dedicated email drop?”

That’s the question I get almost invariably whenever I mention dedicated email drops. And that’s a real shame. See, everyone seems to know that email marketing is one of the most powerful marketing methods there is. How else can you reach your audience in such a reasonably reliable way without spending a fortune?

The problem is it can take months, even YEARS to build a list of any appreciable size. Not to mention all the time and expense involved! But there’s a way you can take advantage of the power of email marketing even if you don’t currently have your own list, or if your list is too small to get the kind of results you’re after.

In fact, you can even use this method to build your own email list, virtually STEALING the email subscribers of your competitors! (How cool is that?)

That method, of course, is buying dedicated email drops. A dedicated email drop is basically paying a fee to a list owner to send an email on your behalf to their own list. This way, you get to harness the power of larger email lists while you’re working on building your own. It’s pretty cool stuff! I mean, why wait months or years to start promoting your offers when you can just pay to use OTHER people’s lists?

I get that not everyone has a lot of money to spend, and you’re probably thinking it’s going to cost the entire GDP of a small country to pay for this, but a dedicated email drop can actually be quite affordable. In fact, there are some tricks you can use to decrease the cost and increase conversions, and even ways to reduce any risk involved.

We’ll even cover the super-cool trick you can use to siphon email subscribers away from your competitors and onto your list, making you able to promote your own products while still building your list by using theirs!


Thousands of people are making a full time income from YouTube!
some have launched multi-million dollar careers thanks to the free platform supplied by Google.
see how you can set up a successful YouTube channel.


If you have been looking for a way to start making money online with absolutely no monetary outlay, then you have come to the right place!

There are many ways to accomplish that task, however I am going to show you a method where you do not need to sell anything to anyone, don’t need any special knowledge, don’t need to invest in a domain name or hosting, and can get started right now.

The method I am referring to here is YouTube-ing. (Is that a real word? It should be if it isn’t).

The great thing about this method is that you don’t have to do any research or try and come up with material that doesn’t interest you. You will be creating videos about something that interests you (your hobby or hobbies).

For instance if your hobby is bird watching, you will take videos or create videos from pictures. Then you will prepare them (per my instructions) and upload them to your YouTube channel.

Now people with similar interests will come to view your videos, which are monetized through YouTube. You make money every time someone views your video!

Sounds easy right? It is. But you must put together a whole system that gives you the maximum views from TARGETED TRAFFIC. And that is what I am going to show you in these videos.

Here is just some of what you will learn:

  • How to set up your Google Account
  • Channel customization and branding
  • Setting up off-site traffic funnels
  • Branding and uploading your videos
  • Getting LOTS of targeted viewers and subscribers
  • and lots more…


Get massive targeted traffic from Youtube Ads for only 2 cents per click!

“Discover How to Drive Unlimited Traffic to Your Site at Only 2 Cents Per Click… Starting Today!”

  • Know how to drive unlimited targeted traffic to your site
  • Learn how to use the Youtube advertising platform
  • Easy-to-understand step by step approach
  • Proven To Work
  • Used By Thousands

Most if not all people know what Youtube is. It’s probably the most popular site for watching, uploading, and sharing videos. Currently, Youtube has more than 1 billion users, so that means there’s a lot of people accessing the site and watching the videos in it.

Unsurprisingly, since a lot of people access Youtube to watch videos, there are also a lot of people who advertise on Youtube. It’s common nowadays to see a short ad or commercial before you finally get to the video that you want to watch.

Now you might be thinking: how about if you advertise your business on Youtube?

You’d surely be able to reach out to more people and promote the product or the service that you’re offering. Which would then equal to getting traffic to your site.

More traffic for your site means more sales, and more sales means more income. It does sound very enticing, right?

You then go ahead and get yourself into the Youtube advertising program, only to learn that you’d have to pay a certain amount of money to get people to view your ads.

It looks as if you’d actually lose money than make more just to get people to go to your site.
At this point you wonder, “Is there actually any way to advertise on Youtube without actually spending so much?”

The answer is YES.


2 Cents Tube Clicks

Get massive targeted traffic from Youtube Ads for only 2 cents per click!

19 Part Video Course

Here’s a list of this 19 part video series in more detail

Introduction to 2 Cent Tube Clicks

In this specific video, you will be given a quick overview of 2 Cent Tube Clicks as well as the tools that you are going to need to implement what you will learn in this video course.

How to Create Your First Campaign

Learn how to create your very first campaign in this video! The steps are simple and easy enough so that

How to Link Your YouTube Channel to Your Adwords Account

I’ll show you in this video how to link your YouTube Channel to your Adwords account. By doing so, you’ll be able to access additional statistics about your video like engagement and remarketing statistics and other helpful information as well.

How to Setup Targeting Groups

Using a targeting group can be very helpful as they give you the best possible ad exposure. I’ll walk you through the process of setting up targeting groups in this video.

Using Negative Targets

Negative targeting allows you to exclude particular topics, interests and more from your campaigns. In this video I’ll show you easy-to-follow steps on how this is done.

Types of Video Formats

I’ll talk about the types of video formats in AdWords, how does each format work, how you will be charged and most importantly, when should you be using a certain format.

Using Call-To-Action Overlays

I’ll reveal in this video how to use Call-To-Action Overlays. With this, you can create overlays for videos on YouTube. You can use the overlay to share more information about your video or to promote your channel, other videos or other websites.

How to Use The Estimation Tool

The estimation tool compares your campaign budget with your targeting options and other settings and provides you an estimate of the daily performance. I’ll show you how you can effectively use the estimation tool in this video.

How to Copy Campaigns, Ads & Targeting Groups

There’s no need to recreate everything in situations like when you want to test a new campaign, or you want to use a targeting group from one of your previous campaigns onto a new one. I’ll demonstrate in this video how you can copy campaigns, ads and also targeting groups.

How to Apply Content Label Exclusions

AdWords are like labels for videos. You can use negative targeting features to exclude any of these labels from your campaigns so that your ads appear in appropriate videos. I’ll walk you through the process of applying content label exclusions in this video.

How to Measure Ad Performance

Here I’ll talk about how you can the metrics for the performance of your ads and how you can keep an eye on your ad’s performance on YouTube.

How to Generate Reports

You’ll be needing reports to know what’s going on with your ads and which is the best action to take next. In this video I’ll be walking you through the process of generating reports.

How to Generate Placement Reports

You’ll be able to view placement reports for your campaigns a few days after it has started. Here I’ll provide an easy-to-follow, step-by-step procedure on how this is done.

Understanding Tabs & Segmentation Filters

You can review the performance of your ads per format and preview them in the Ads tab. Learn more about the Ads tab and the segmentation filters in this video.

Tips For Optimizing Your Video Ad Campaign

I’ll reveal tips that you may not have considered yet on how to optimize your video campaign. These are very crucial as these will further improve your conversion rate.

How To Use Remarketing

With remarketing, you can create highly specific lists based on viewer’s activity. I’ll show you in this video, I’ll show you how to use remarketing and discuss how it can be beneficial to your business.

How To Setup Your Payment Method

You pay for the AdWords service via a payment method. I’ll be walking you through the process of setting up a payment method in this video, and the steps are simple and easy enough for anyone to follow and complete!

How To Update Your Billing Information

The Billing Pages are where you manage your billing and pay for the advertising. Here I’ll demonstrate how easy and simple it is to update your billing information.


Here I’ll be providing a recap of what has been discussed so far, and how all of these can benefit you and your business!

Here are the benefits of having these amazing videos!


  • You’ll know how to drive unlimited targeted traffic to your site
  • You’ll learn how to use the Youtube advertising platform
  • You can create a video course using the things that you’ve learned in these videos
  • You can offer these online video tutorials as special bonuses to your customers




The Quick Start Guide To Harnessing The Power Of YouTube To Drive Targeted Traffic To Your Websites

Love it or loathe it, YouTube is here to stay.

The smart marketers among us realized immediately that it was going to be a rich source of traffic if only it could be tamed and used to our advantage.

Search YouTube for any marketing guru’s name and you’ll find at least one short information video.

That’s because top marketers include YouTube in their arsenal of free traffic driving secrets…

And it’s one that NO serious marketer can afford to ignore.

Sure – it’s OK for me to say that but if you’ve never put a video on YouTube before, how do you go about using it as a traffic driving tool?

Surely everyone and their dog is trying to do the same thing?

Well yes they are but we’re going to show you how to level the playing field and have your videos drive targeted traffic back to your websites just as well as any internet marketing guru.

With hundreds of thousands of new websites popping up every day, and all of them competing for traffic, it’s necessary to utilize every possible way of grabbing your share that you possibly can.



But despite YouTube being one the key ways that many gurus drive traffic to their sites, few marketers actually use this method when it comes to pushing targeted traffic to their sites.

And that’s where Tube Traffic Tactics comes in.

We’ll show you how to get people to your sites, affiliate links and payment buttons by submitting simple ‘taster’ videos to YouTube.

These simple but deadly effective techniques can be used by anyone to get more visitors to their sites than the currently have.

We’ll show you:

-How to learn from your competitors without them knowing

-How to ‘borrow’ some of the traffic that hits Youtube every single day

-The ‘reverse engineering’ trick that can boost your sales

-How to use the Youtube search engine to help your own business

-What information you should give away with your videos…..

-…..And what you definitely should NOT

-The secret of free traffic from Youtube

-How to start using Youtube even if you’ve never done it before

And much more…

Using Youtube video as a promotional tool, and using the traffic generated from this amazing site is a necessary skill for any aspiring internet marketer.

Internet video is here to stay – you can’t ignore it – and while it seems very daunting to begin with, Tube Traffic Tactics could be the helping hand you need.

We’ll show you how to get started on the road to ‘borrowing’ traffic from Youtube. It’s one of those things where you’ll wonder why you didn’t start using it years ago.

Think about what you’ll gain from using these powerful strategies, and what you could lose by falling behind in the technology stakes – especially when this is one example of when you don’t need to be a techy to use them!


YouTube In-Stream Advertising

Have you tried YouTube advertising? If you haven’t, you really ought to consider giving it a try.

YouTube has over a billion (yes, billion, with a B) users, and they get an insane amount of traffic each day. Plus, users are always looking for something specific, so it’s easy to target the people you really want to get your ad in front of.

If you’re already into video marketing, you’ll have a bit of a leg up. You can probably use some of the videos you’ve already created as ads. But even if you’ve never created a video in your life, it’s a lot easier than you probably think. Worst case scenario, you can hire someone on Fiverr to create a video ad for you.

You’re probably thinking you need a small fortune to get started, but the fact is, In-Stream ads are actually a lot more affordable than you probably think. If you have a decent video and landing page, and choose your targeting options well, you’ll probably find these ads outperform just about anything else you’ve tried.

Video is hot, hot, hot, and with broadband making it to more internet users every day, it will only get hotter as time goes on. If you want to go where the people are, video is definitely the way to go.

The thing is, there are a few tricks to really making the most out of in-stream ads. Over the next few days, I’ll be sending you a series of emails that will teach you some of the best methods for making the most out of these ads. You’ll learn tricks like how to make sure you’re getting the best conversions, what type of videos you should be creating, how to siphon traffic from your competitors’ videos, and a lot more.

And don’t panic if you don’t know the first thing about creating videos. We’ll take a look at a few different ways you can get high-quality videos without a bunch of high-tech knowledge required. In fact, you can even get other people to create your videos dirt cheap if you know where to look!

So don’t make the assumption that video ads can’t work for you because you don’t know how to make your own. Trust me, there are some tools that make creating videos so easy a five-year-old could do it.

  • Uncover the secrets to acquiring the freshest, hottest leads via YouTube In-Stream ads quickly and easily!
  • Find out the best secret tips for the most effective targeting for your ads!
  • Discover the totally legal, but little-known method for literally stealing traffic from your competitors!
    · Learn how to get more traffic to your videos and landing pages without spending a fortune!
    · And much more

To learn more, click on the button below.


This product contains 3 very-short instructional videos on how to create YouTube videos.


If you can answer yes to the following questions you’ll want to get your hands on the Understanding YouTube Crash Course Package!

Have you been looking for a great way to get more subscribers?

Do you constantly seek quality information to provide to your readers?

Have you been looking for a way to quickly increase awareness, traffic and profits for your website?

Did you know that even though YouTube is one of the most popular websites online and it’s known worldwide there are still thousands of people who have never used it and even more that don’t know anything about what it has to offer.

They have no idea how how fun it is, how much valuable information it has to offer and they don’t know the first thing about commenting, sharing, creating and uploading videos!

You can change all of that….

Introducing the “Understanding YouTube” course. This course was specifically designed to show even absolute beginners how to make the most out their YouTube experience.


In this very-short series of videos, you will be shown how to use the YouTube Video Editor.

4 YouTube Marketing Mistakes


Click the button below to purchase this informative AUDIO


ATTENTION: Website Owners and Digital Marketers…

“Discover How to Finally Drive Huge Traffic from Facebook and Profit”

This Guide is Filled With Tips and Ideas That Will Allow You to Finally Take Your Facebook Game to the Next Level. Stop Messing Around and Start Driving Huge Traffic


Social media is one of the most under utilized traffic platforms on the web. That’s not because people aren’t trying to use it, but because people are consistent enough and don’t know how to properly drive traffic from social media.

Facebook is one of the best social media platforms to drive traffic from so if you have a website or any business at all, you should be on Facebook. That doesn’t mean just having a Facebook page and leaving it, but you should be on there actively driving potential customers to your business.

Driving Traffic from Facebook

The vast amount of features on Facebook gives you a huge amount of options for driving traffic, many which you probably haven’t even thought of before. If you’re not using Facebook at all then you’re letting your competitors catch up. No matter what business you have, social media can help to drive more sales. All you need to do is learn how to use it effectively.

Facebook has Millions of Users Waiting!

A lot of business owners complain that they don’t get enough traffic to their website and that their SEO team hasnt helped improve their sales. Well Facebook has the traffic you’re looking for, are you going to take it?

Put it this way, Facebook has a bunch of users much like a flowing stream who are constantly looking for new content. If you can create a passage of from the main stream (a link to your site) then you can divert some of the water (traffic) your way. Driving traffic from Facebook is very simple but profitable.

But much like other social platforms, you MUST understand how to use Facebook as a marketer before you wade in and get swept away.

….which is why I put together a guide to share the knowledge I’ve gained from marketing on Facebook for many years.

Introducing… Facebook Powerhouse


Considering how long Facebook has been around it’s not surprising that there is a lot of misinformation out there on how to market your website or business on the platform.

This guide will help you to cut through all the rubbish and get straight to the golden nuggets that will show you exactly how to go about your marketing. This guide includes many techniques and methods which are explained in great detail and can be used by you TODAY.

Here’s what you’ll discover in Facebook Powerhouse:

The mentality of Facebook users and how you can market to them

What type of content performs well on Facebook

How to easily get more shares and likes on a post

The quickest ways that you can grow a Facebook page

What different methods you can use to drive traffic from Facebook

A list of tactics that Facebook marketers can use

How cross promote and perform outreach effectively

Why testing is important and how you can improve a posts effectiveness

…and much, much more!



Your Guide to Facebook Fan Page Profits

Learn The Secrets to Creating and Profiting With Facebook Fan Pages

Now before anything else I am not going to bore you with a long winded introduction on Facebook and how it started. I am sure you will be familiar with Facebook and its owner Mark Zuckerberg (the former high school nerd) who is now a billionaire & created the site in 2004.

Now most people you know will be on Facebook. The amount of traffic and the level of publicity Facebook receives is astonishing. This is why there is a lot of money to be made from Facebook and a lot of money for you to make from facebook also.

Since the introduction of Fanpages Facebook has changed the way we market our business online. Facebook Fanpages allow you to market to a certain audience, anywhere across the world.

The Facebook Fan Page is Here to Help You

Successfully expanding a business Web presence through a Facebook page that creates hype and has a positive impact on a company’s image is a highly skilled art that many lack.

Nevertheless, it is a skill that can also be taught to anyone who wants to dedicate the time and energy to learn how to do it right.

If you want your business to move and shake the Web with its latest products and info, you should strive to follow the methodology of the experts who already know exactly how to make that happen through Facebook. It is difficult to understand why many failing businesses chose to ignore such a crucial factor in online marketing.

With Facebook Fan Page Profits You Will Discover How to Build and Manage A Professional Facebook Page for Your Business

We want to teach you the proper strategies for building and managing your Facebook fan pages with our valuable eBook Facebook Fan Page Profits

It will provide you with everything you need to know from startup tips to effective implementation techniques.

This eBook is packed full of all the data that is crucial to begin moving down the path to success in Facebook Fan Page marketing. You will be taught exactly what your must do and the right way to go about it

However, Facebook Fan Page Profits is much more than just a book of simple basics discussing how to do Facebook. It also focuses on specific tried and proven methods, tips and strategies to create the image you want and build brand awareness of your products and/or services. We are going to tell you precisely how you can harness the networking resources of Facebook Fan Pages to begin generating new customers as well as creating an interactive environment to build customer loyalty!

Facebook Fan Page Profits Gives You All The Tools You Need Right Here Today:

– The basics of Fan Page marketing on Facebook
-How to use photos and videos to attract interest

-Tactics for setting up exclusive landing pages

-How to use the Facebook marketplace to target new customers

-Monetization Techniques For Your Fanpage

-Traffic Techniques For Your Fanpage

-And Much Much More..

Facebook Fan Page Profits Allows You to Take Control


This is the bottom line of any business no matter how idealistic or no matter what the cause. Without profit, any company or organization will cease to function. This is the main focus for success. Other factors are all dependent on this most crucial objective.

Regardless of the type of business you have, our eBook is an extremely valuable resource that will instruct you how to bring in additional revenue through network marketing on the most popular social media website in the entire world.

How would you like to watch your business grow and your cash flow increase? Facebook Fan Page Profits is the best book available for doing just that–not only showing you how to effectively market and promote through your Facebook account for increased sales, but also how to attract new customers, create a professional business image, and build loyalty with your existing clients. It will show you how to improve your business value and sustainability while you witness a huge surge in your bottom line as well.

If you want to just quickly paste up a Facebook page, there are a lot of different resources out there with a lot of bad advice that can instruct you how to do this. However, if you want to really build your business for profitability, then let us show you how to do it the right way.

This Report is Essential for Your Survival

I offer a real solution to your money problems. I will initiate you into the world of the Facebook elite, creating a step by step plan to help you get the most from your fan pages. Within this amazing report I give you the freedom you need to start a plan of action to allow you to invest and build a profitable business.

I will leave no stone unturned as I reveal the most closely guarded secrets for the very first time. I explain everything in great detail to ensure you learn exactly how to take your action plan forward.

This amazing action taking report allows you to move your Facebook business into a new era of success.

>The Good News is You Can Get Started Today?

What’s really important now is NOT the tiny amount you’ll invest in this report but how much you’ll LOSE OUT if you don’t!

Understand that you could really be missing out on investing in your future.

Don’t let anything stand in the way between you and your business success and making the most of your Facebook Fan Pages.

Think about how much you could change your life if you really applied the strategies in this book. You could start building your plan of action today rather than waiting for tomorrow.

I cannot even begin to imagine not taking advantage of this right now!

Thankfully, you’re an intelligent person… otherwise you wouldn’t be looking for a better way to improve your business.


CPA FaceBook Ads

This is an 18-minute video course on how to place CPA ads on FaceBook. If you don’t know what CPA ads are, then this may not be of value to you at this point.

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