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How To Do Internet Marketing


Attention: New to Internet Marketing & Have No Idea Where To Start?

Here’s How You Can Learn How To Build Your Online Business Step-By-Step

Comprehensive Video Training Shows How Set Up Your Own Domain, Hosting, Autoresponder, Buy Button, And More… Within Minutes!


Want to learn how to build your online business…

But long work hours getting to you?

Frustrated with steep learning curves?

And you don’t have the deep pockets to hire a coach or mentor?

No problem!

Because starting today you can learn everything you need to know to build your online business… on a budget!

Just so you know..

Your current circumstances, station in life, and where you see yourself in the world of online marketing right now is of little relevance… as far as where you heading to next is concerned.

You’ve heard success stories of people generating income beyond their wildest imagination.

From stories of a single mother making 5 figures a month to the college dropout building a multi-million dollar business right out of his bedroom.

These are cool and sometimes heartwarming stories.

But when you try it out yourself, you start to notice these stories leave out a lot of details.

And I mean, like, A LOT.

That’s when you realize that building your online business isn’t as easy as you’ve been led to believe.
And one of the most frustrating things that annoy most beginners is the technical details.

Things like:

  • “How do I set up my web hosting account?”
  • “How do I get a domain name?”
  • “How do I add my buy button?”
  • “How do I make my web pages more search engine friendly?”

The gurus sure make it look EASY.

Well here’s the good news: I’ve come up with a series of video tutorials to SHOW you how to overcome your technical challenges. Unlike most step-by-step books and guides out there, I’ve got these done for you in video format so you can see what’s on-screen…

… And all you need to do is follow!

This is as easy as it gets.

Think of this as the paint by numbers guide for online business owners like yourself.

Introducing The Ultimate Solution TO Learning How To Build Your Online Business



This is a series of on-screen video tutorials covering EVERYTHING you MUST know as an Internet Marketer.

These step-by-step video tutorials are specially and carefully designed by Internet Marketer.. For Internet marketers!

Even if you consider yourself a novice or hopeless with computers, you are about to leave your limited beliefs about yourself behind.

The Full List of What You Will Learn

  • Aweber: How to create a list
  • Aweber: How to schedule follow-up emails
  • Aweber: How to create a broadcast
  • Aweber: Automation rules
  • Aweber: How to create a signup form
  • Getresponse: How to create a list
  • Getresponse: How to schedule follow-up emails
  • Getresponse: How to create a broadcast
  • Getresponse: Automation rules
  • Getresponse: How to create a signup form
  • WordPress: How to install WordPress
  • WordPress: How to configure WordPress
  • WordPress: How to find and install plugins
  • PayPal: How to create your PayPal buy button
  • JVZoo: How to add your Products
  • JVZoo: How to set up your sales funnel
  • VZoo: How to create a buy button
  • WarriorPlus: How to add your Products
  • WarriorPlus: How to set up your sales funnel
  • WarriorPlus: How to create a buy button
  • Clickbank: How to submit your product
  • Clickbank: How to get your buy button
  • GoDaddy: How to set your DNS
  • GoDaddy: How to create a forwarding URL
  • NameCheap: How to set your DNS
  • NameCheap: How to create a forwarding URL
  • FileZilla: How to log into a hosting account
  • FileZilla: How to upload and delete files
  • SEO: On-site Optimization
  • SEO: Off-site Optimization

So Who is this for Exactly?

Online Business Newbies – regardless of which expert or ‘guru’ you subscribe to, the truth is you NEED to know at least some basic technical aspects of your own operation. I show you how to put your online venture together and each tutorial are no more than a few minutes long.

Freelancers In The Making – if you are a virtual assistant or want to work freelance for other clients, here’s how you can quickly gain this valuable skill and render your service for either one-time or monthly fee. Technical skills like these are something you cannot simply acquire from traditional school or college/uni.

Got Technical Challenges? Sometimes it is unwise to hire an expensive coach or mentor to show you the technical steps when you can pick it up on your own in minutes (and spend quality time with your mentor to show the BIGGER picture of how to grow your online business)

Want To Get Some Things Done On Your Own Quick? It makes little sense to hire someone over and over again (and thus forking out payment over and over) for simple tasks that you can accomplish on your own almost immediately. Plus, safeguard critical information on your own business operations as it grows bigger.

You’re A Business Owner And You Want To Train Your Team – as a leader, your time is valuable. These videos can substitute you in training your employees, interns or virtual assistants… while you do the marketing!

No More Guesswork. No More Figuring It Out.

Your frustration with technical details ENDS TODAY. Skip all the trial and error right now by clicking on the order button below.



In IM How To Videos PRO, I give an extended number of on-screen, step by step training videos where you can learn various social media how to’s among others.

Social media is HOT and whether you run an online business or a conventional one, you will do well to establish your presence online as much as possible. These Videos show you how to quickly get started on any popular platform even if you consider yourself non tech savy.

You also leanr extra tutorials not found in the Main video series.

You Will Access The Following Addon Video Training Modules:

Facebook: How to use FB ads

Facebook: How to start your Fan Page

Facebook: How to configure your Fan Page

Facebook: How to start your own FB Group

Facebook: How to configure FB Group

YouTube: How to Upload Videos

YouTube: How to Customize your Annotations to increase views and subscribers

YouTube: How to Attract Followers with Keywords and Tags

YouTube: How to Run Ads on Youtube

YouTube: How to Configure the Privacy of your Videos

Instagram: The Art of Hashtagging

Instagram: How to Find Followers on Instagram

Instagram: How to Post Content to Attract Followers

Instagram: How to Create an Instagram Video

Pinterest: How to add, edit or delete a Board

Pinterest: How to add a Pinterest Widget to your Website

Pinterest: How to Create a Free Business Account

Pinterest: How to apply for Rich Pins

Twitter: How to Get Followers

Twitter: How to Post Quality Tweets

Twitter: The art of Hashtagging

Twitter: How to customize your Twitter background

Twitter: How to Promote your Tweets or account

LinkedIn: How to configure your Profile for Career Building

LinkedIn: Create a Profile Badge for your personal website or blog

LinkedIn: How to Search Engine Optimize your profile

LinkedIn: How to get Testimonials and Endorsements

Social Media Automation: Opening an account with HootSuite

Social Media Automation: How to link your social media accounts to HootSuite

Social Media Automation: How to automate your posts with HootSuite

And Also These Follow-Up Video Topics…

Adwords: How to sign up for Adwords

Adwords: How to run ad campaign for videos

Adwords: How to run ad campaign for websites

Webhosting: How to create a redirect URL

Webhosting: How to create a MySQL database

Webhosting: How to create an email account

Webhosting: How to create a forwarder

Webhosting: How to edit your error pages

Webhosting: How to configure your index manager

Paypal: How to add a subscription button

Clickbank: How to set up your sales funnel

Aweber: How to remove unresponsive leads

Getresponse: How to remove unresponsive leads

WordPress: How to optimize your WordPress SEO

WordPress: How to add redirect linking



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