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MiddleAge.Org Newsletter #1

Welcome to the MiddleAge.Org Newsletter!

You’ve connected with a source of the best information on how men and women of middle age (and all ages) can be happy and healthy.

For more than a half-century I’ve studied and learned the best ways to be happy and healthy.  But I’m not behind the times promoting out-of-date methods.  To stay current with the latest information, I am on the Internet daily, looking for the latest and best scientifically-proven ways to be happy and healthy.  I sort through everything, and pick the very best news to tell you about, based on my studies, experience and training. In this way, I save you hours of time, and allow you to get the best of the best.  Sometimes I see an article or news item that has totally false information, like how much protein is in a certain food.  Because of my background, I’m able to spot this and avoid giving you bad information.

In these newsletters you will see tips on how to be happier and healthier. You’ll see the best ways to have great nutrition and learn more effective ways to lose weight. You’ll find the easiest ways to stay fit, to have better relationships, more energy, sharper thinking, better sleep, peace of mind and so much more.  This information doesn’t come from “gym gossip” or other questionable sources. Instead, it is based on scientific studies, so that you won’t waste your time with methods that are slow, don’t work at all, or worse yet, can be dangerous! In addition, I will share with you some of the insights I have regularly on how to have better happiness and health.

For the first group of newsletters I am going to focus on my 13-step program, as it is the base for an improved life. Why spend time learning about the latest way to lose weight when your subconscious programming is telling you “Don’t bother; you’ll fail just like you always have”?  So please trust me and follow the steps.  Your life will be greatly improved if you do.

I want to emphasize that I care about you and want you to be safe and well.  Therefore please be aware that the information offered in these newsletters and on the Website is for informational and educational purposes only, and is not medical nor psychological advice.

Although they contain great information, none of them will work if you don’t apply what’s inside. As or after you have read them, create a plan as to how you will integrate these materials into your life. You may decide to spend some time every morning preparing for your day by exercising, meditating or reviewing your goals. The important part is to do something.  You’ll never get full by “eating the menu”.

As a bonus for you, I’m going to give you a gift with every newsletter.

With each newsletter after this one, I’m going to send you a $5 coupon that you can use towards any item in our online store. You can either get one of our 80 $5 eBooks, or apply your coupon towards other items, or even save them up and apply them towards a more-expensive item. So watch your email box for my newsletters.

And, as a “Welcome” bonus, right now I’m giving you a $10 newsletter signup gift!

Just go to our online store at and take a look around in the different sections.  Once you find something you like, choose it and go to the checkout.  When you’re there, you’ll see a place to enter a discount code, and so enter: WelcomeNewsletter .

If you choose 2 items that are $5 (or a $10 item), they’re free!  If you choose items that total more than $10, then you can just cover the difference using your PayPal account. It’s safe and secure.  While you’re in there, you may find some other items that you’d like to have. Keep in mind that all of the items in our online store have a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee.

So that’s it: free tips, free books, not a bad deal!

Thanks for reading this, and I’ll be back in touch soon!

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